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Cervical Adjustments to Relieve Chronic Headaches in West Des Moines, IA

By June 27, 2024No Comments3 min read

Cervical Adjustments to Relieve Chronic Headaches | Headache Chiropractor in West Des Moines, IA

Hello everyone, I’m Dr. Caleb Grose from True Family Chiropractic. Today, I’m excited to share with you our approach to adjusting the cervical spine to alleviate headaches, numbness, and tingling in the arms.

Initial Assessment

The first step in our process involves checking the alignment of the legs. By lifting the patient’s legs, we can identify discrepancies in leg length, which often indicate issues with the SI joint or other parts of the spine. Although today’s focus is not on adjusting the SI joint directly, it’s crucial to note such imbalances as they contribute to overall spinal health.

Palpation and Identification of Subluxations

Next, I move to palpate along the spine, feeling for how each vertebral segment moves. This tactile assessment helps identify areas of fixation or restricted movement, indicating subluxations. These are the areas that require adjustment to restore proper motion and relieve pain.

Specific Adjustment for Headaches

For headaches, particular attention is given to the upper cervical spine, specifically C1 and C2. These are crucial areas that can significantly impact neurological health and headache intensity.

  • Locating the Subluxation: I begin by locating C1 and C2, using the mastoid process as a reference point. The C1 vertebra is directly adjacent to this point, and C2 is just below it.
  • Adjustment Technique: Once the problematic vertebra is identified — for example, C2 on the right side — I position the patient accordingly. I use my supporting hand to stabilize the occiput (the back part of the skull), ensuring the neck is properly supported.
  • Performing the Adjustment: The adjustment is performed by positioning my other hand at a specific point on the neck to apply a gentle yet precise force. This is done by laterally bending the head towards the side of the adjustment and rotating away. This technique helps correct the alignment of C2, alleviating the stress on the nerve and muscle tissue.

Post-Adjustment Assessment

After the adjustment, I reassess the movement of the cervical spine to ensure that the motion has been restored and the vertebrae are moving smoothly. This reassessment is crucial for confirming the effectiveness of the adjustment and ensuring patient comfort.

This method is highly effective for treating headaches, migraines, and general neck pain. It focuses on restoring proper cervical alignment and relieving pressure on the nerves and muscles involved. If you’re experiencing similar symptoms, a targeted chiropractic adjustment could provide significant relief and improve your overall spinal health.

Truth Family Chiropractic

Our mission is to have a family-centered healing culture. We teach natural healing principles, which allow the body to heal itself from the inside out with no drugs or surgery. Our vision is to educate and adjust as many people in our community as we can based on the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living.