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Scary Tech Neck Stories West Des Moines, IA

By June 7, 2024No Comments3 min read

Scary Tech Neck Stories | Chiropractor for Neck Pain in West Des Moines, IA

Hello everyone, Dr. Caleb Grose here from Truth Family Chiropractic. Today, I’m addressing a common issue that’s increasingly prevalent in our digital age: “tech neck.”

Understanding Tech Neck

“Tech neck” refers to the strain on neck muscles from frequent and prolonged head forward posture and downward looking, typically when using mobile devices or computers. This posture can lead to significant spinal problems.

Anatomical Effects of Tech Neck

When observing “tech neck,” we see several concerning anatomical changes:

  • Curvature Loss: Ideally, the neck should maintain a 45-degree curve. Prolonged forward head posture flattens this curve, leading to increased strain on the spinal cord and nerves.
  • Muscle Strain: Constantly looking down strains the suboccipital muscles at the base of the skull, contributing to pain and discomfort.
  • Nerve Compression: This altered posture can compress nerves in the neck, potentially causing pain and numbness in the arms and hands.

The Dangers of Ignoring Tech Neck

If not addressed, “tech neck” can lead to long-term damage:

  • Permanent Postural Changes: Over time, the body adapts to this posture, potentially leading to permanent changes in spinal alignment.
  • Increased Spinal Stress: The abnormal posture places additional stress on the spinal cord, akin to stretching a banana until it splits.
  • Muscle Weakness: Extended periods in this posture can weaken neck muscles, compounding the problem and making it difficult to revert to a healthy posture.

Chiropractic Solutions

At Truth Family Chiropractic, we use a combination of techniques to combat “tech neck”:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Targeted adjustments help realign the spine and reduce nerve pressure.
  • Muscle Strengthening Exercises: We recommend specific exercises to strengthen neck muscles and counteract the effects of “tech neck.”
  • Education on Proper Posture: Educating our patients on maintaining proper posture while using devices is crucial to prevent recurrence.

Prevention and Regular Care

Regular chiropractic visits are essential for managing and preventing the effects of “tech neck.” Through adjustments and proactive care, we can help maintain your spinal health and prevent the long-term consequences of this modern-day ailment.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of “tech neck,” or if you’re concerned about your posture and its impact on your health, contact us at Truth Family Chiropractic. We’re here to help you achieve and maintain optimal spinal health.

Truth Family Chiropractic

Our mission is to have a family-centered healing culture. We teach natural healing principles, which allow the body to heal itself from the inside out with no drugs or surgery. Our vision is to educate and adjust as many people in our community as we can based on the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living.

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