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Why Regular Chiropractic Care is Essential in West Des Moines, IA

By June 29, 2024No Comments2 min read

Why Regular Chiropractic Care is Essential | Chiropractor for Joint Health in West Des Moines, IA

Hello, I’m Dr. Grose from Truth Family Chiropractic. Today, I want to discuss degenerative disc disease, a common issue we frequently address in our clinic.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease refers to the wear and tear on the spinal discs, which act as cushions between the vertebrae. Over time, these discs can deteriorate or break down due to various factors such as aging, poor posture, or repetitive strain from activities like heavy lifting.

Causes and Progression

Many of our patients come in with symptoms that may be linked to degenerative changes in their spinal discs. Through diagnostic imaging like X-rays, we can observe these changes, including the compression of discs and the formation of osteophytes—bony projections that form along joint margins. These osteophytes are the body’s attempt to stabilize and support the spine as the discs deteriorate.

Impact of Degenerative Disc Disease

As the discs degenerate, they lose their ability to cushion and separate the vertebrae effectively. This reduction in disc height can lead to stiffness, reduced mobility, and pain. If left unaddressed, the condition can severely impact quality of life and lead to more complex spinal issues.

Prevention and Management

Regular chiropractic adjustments are crucial for managing degenerative disc disease. These adjustments help maintain spinal alignment and flexibility, reducing the strain on your discs and preventing further deterioration. Additionally, incorporating proper posture and biomechanics into daily activities can significantly slow the progression of disc degeneration.

If you’re experiencing back pain or stiffness, it might be due to degenerative changes in your spinal discs. Regular chiropractic care can not only alleviate your symptoms but also address the root cause of your discomfort. Ensuring your spine is properly aligned and functioning is essential for preventing further degenerative changes and maintaining your overall spinal health.

Truth Family Chiropractic

Our mission is to have a family-centered healing culture. We teach natural healing principles, which allow the body to heal itself from the inside out with no drugs or surgery. Our vision is to educate and adjust as many people in our community as we can based on the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living.

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