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Neck Pain, Disc Herniations, and Jelly Donuts in West Des Moines, IA

By June 23, 2024No Comments3 min read

Neck Pain, Disc Herniations, and Jelly Donuts | Chiropractor for Neck Pain in West Des Moines, IA

Hello, I’m Dr. Kevin Miller from Truth Family Chiropractic, and today I want to delve into the anatomy of the cervical spine and the progression of disc injuries, which are common yet often misunderstood.

Anatomy of the Cervical Spine and Discs

The cervical spine consists of vertebrae separated by discs, which act as cushions. These discs are made up of annular rings on the outside and a gel-like center called the nucleus pulposus—similar to a jelly doughnut.

  • Normal Discs: In a healthy spine, the discs maintain their integrity, allowing for optimal spacing between the vertebrae and ensuring the nerves and blood vessels in the intervertebral foramen (IVF) are not pinched.
  • Degenerating Discs: Over time or due to injury, discs can start to degrade. This can lead to a bulging disc where the nucleus pushes against but doesn’t break through the annular rings. This stage can cause minor symptoms like tingling due to slight nerve compression.

Progression of Disc Injury

  • Herniated Disc: As the condition worsens, the disc can herniate, meaning the nucleus breaks through the annular rings, pressing directly on a nerve. This condition is immediately noticeable due to severe pain, numbness, or even muscle weakness along the nerve pathway.
  • Advanced Degeneration: In severe cases, the disc height reduces significantly, leading to a decrease in the space in the IVF and increasing the risk of nerve compression and severe arthritic conditions. This stage involves more chronic and intense pain and significantly reduced mobility.

Chiropractic Treatment for Disc Injuries

Chiropractic care focuses on correctly aligning the spine to alleviate pressure on the discs and nerves. This realignment allows the discs the best chance to heal naturally by:

  • Reducing Pressure: Adjustments help return the vertebrae to their proper positions, relieving pressure on the discs and allowing them to begin the healing process.
  • Promoting Healing: Unlike more invasive medical interventions, chiropractic adjustments facilitate the body’s natural healing processes by restoring proper spinal alignment and nerve function.
  • Preventive Care: Regular chiropractic care can help maintain spinal health and prevent the progression of disc degeneration by ensuring the spine remains properly aligned.

Understanding the structure and function of your cervical spine and the nature of disc injuries can empower you to make informed decisions about your health care. Whether you’re currently experiencing neck pain or are interested in preventive measures, chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and effective solution to maintaining spinal health and overall well-being.

Truth Family Chiropractic

Our mission is to have a family-centered healing culture. We teach natural healing principles, which allow the body to heal itself from the inside out with no drugs or surgery. Our vision is to educate and adjust as many people in our community as we can based on the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living.